Friday, February 3, 2017

Assignment 1

 This is my original photo. I took this photo of Gavin under the gazebo, and there was a huge puddle of water making a great reflection.    
I really manipulated the contrast here and added a sepia tone. This is my perfect picture; this gave a dark mystical mood to the picture.

Here I did a cool tone to give a cold feeling. Gavin is wearing a jacket here, so I capitalized on this feature.

I found the "Invert" effect which gives a night vision sort of look. This turned out better than I expected. I like how it looks deep into the night, and it looks like Gavin is being watched.

Here, also, gives a cold feeling but in a different sense. It almost feels a bit warmer than my cool tone picture.

I really played around with the contrast here to get a hazy fog atmosphere. 


  1. I love these Adrian, really good!

  2. These are all really good! You really made an emphasis on the blacks and the whites and the in betweens. I love the second one because it really does look like a winter day where maybe the snow is just beginning to melt. Great job!

  3. I think it's cool how your inverted version doesn't look harsh or unrealistic like inverted photos normally do. Love your perspective, this is a really creative shot and your editing brought out the best qualities in it. Great work!

  4. Nice composition. You chose to point your camera at something more unexpected, and the result work. Each of your versions are uniquely different from the others. I know you like the results of the first image you posted, but I find the wider range of values in your fourth image particularly pleasing to the eye. Well done.

  5. Really great angle on this shot. Also love the hazy fog picture it gives me the sense of it being winter time.
